New Member

Why join the NCNA?

NCNA Journal

The NCNA Journal is designed to keep members updated with current coin club news around the state and information relevant to the numismatic community nationwide. From educational articles to a calendar of regional coin shows, the NCNA Journal is North Carolina’s source for news of current numismatic events. Your membership entitles you to four issues per year.

Support the Hobby

There are a great many people who believe the hobby of numismatics is in distress. They cite the decline in coin show attendance and the decrease in organizational memberships similar to the NCNA as proof. It’s impossible to talk to coin collectors without hearing a story or two about how their collection began. For most, their very first collectible coin was given to them by their father or grandfather and the small act of receiving that coin, valuable or not, led to many hours of enjoyment together. For less than the price of a dinner in most restaurants, you can help the NCNA teach fathers, mothers, daughters and sons for generations to come.


Membership Dues


Membership1 Year3 Years
Regular (18 and over)$15$40
Junior (under 18)$3$6
Club or Society$15n/a
Life (after 3 years)$250n/a

Membership Application

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