YN Scholarship


We have great news for Young Numismatists of North Carolina. The
NCNA is offering a scholarship for one YN to go to the American
Numismatic Association (ANA) Summer Seminar in Colorado
Springs, Colorado.

The next few months offers the chance to expand your knowledge of
numismatics and the opportunity for service and mentoring that should
prove valuable for you in the future.

The ANA Summer Seminar offers a diversity of interesting classes as
well as tours of the ANA Money Museum in Colorado Springs. Group
tours of local attractions are also provided in the Colorado Springs area.
To be considered for a NCNA scholarship to the ANA Summer Seminar
you must first complete an ANA scholarship application. You can find
the ANA scholarship application and requirements on the ANA website
at www.money.org.

 If you receive a full ANA scholarship, the ANA will pay for all
expenses, except extracurricular activity. The NCNA will
provide a stipend for extracurricular activity, with the amount to
be determined by the NCNA.
 If you receive a partial scholarship from the ANA, you can be
considered for a NCNA partial scholarship to cover the portion
not covered by the ANA.
 If you are unsuccessful in receiving any scholarship from the
ANA, you can be considered for a full NCNA scholarship.

Additionally, to be considered for an NCNA scholarship to the ANA
Summer Seminar, you must meet the following conditions as well.

 Must be age 16-21 by June 1st.
 Obtain your parent’s written approval.
 Obtain written sponsorship from your local club representative.
 Current membership in the NCNA.
 Complete the NCNA YN Scholarship Application below.
 Your application must be submitted by February 28th.

Contact Bob Pedolsky, NCNA YN Coordinator, if you have questions on
the scholarship application process at rpedolsky@carolina.rr.com.



Please complete all information requested in Sections 1 through 7:

Section 1: General Information

Applicant Name: ____________________________________________

Applicant Date of Birth: ____________________

Applicant Phone: ____________________________________________

Applicant E-mail: ____________________________________________

Parent Name: _______________________________________________

Parent Phone: _______________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________

City: ____________________________ State: _________ Zip: _______


Section 2: Coin Organizations

List local, regional, or national coin clubs in which you are a member:






Section 3: Personal Interests

List other interests or organizations in which you are active:






Section 4: Numismatic Interests

List what you collect and what areas of numismatics interest you:






Section 5: Numismatic Essay

On a separate sheet of paper, write a one page essay about what class you
would like to take at the ANA Summer Seminar. Include how the class
would benefit you and what does the overall experience of the seminar
means to you?


Section 6: Numismatic Accomplishments

Provide the following information on a separate sheet of paper:
a) Provide a summary of numismatic topics which you have
presented in the past two years. Please list the coin clubs or other
groups to which you presented.
b) Provide the title and a brief summary of any numismatic articles
you have written in the past two years. Attach copies if possible.
c) Provide a list of numismatic topics of interest that you have
d) List any numismatic programs, activities, or events in which you
have been involved or led, including coin shows, club meetings,
youth programs, etc.
e) Have you mentored other young numismatists? If so, give some
details of what you did to assist them.
f) Have you been employed in the field of numismatics? If so,
provide the name of your employer, length of time employed,
and a description of your work responsibilities.
g) If you have previously been to the ANA Summer Seminar,
please describe what you learned, your involvement, and what
you hope to gain by attending another Summer Seminar.


Section 7: Verification of Application

We verify that the information provided in this application is correct to
the best of our knowledge. We also understand that this information will
only be shared with ANA and NCNA official representatives associated
with the ANA Summer Seminar scholarship selection process. The
NCNA YN Coordinator will coordinate the processing of applicants and
will notify them regarding the award of scholarships.

Applicant Signature: _________________________________________

Parent Signature: ____________________________________________

Copy and paste the application above to print or click here to print.

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